Make it, You Cowards: This Town Ain’t Bug Enough, A Star Wars Story

Making a Star Wars property that everyone enjoys can be challenging because Star Wars fans on the whole are very demanding and share conflicting opinions. On top of that there’s almost 50 years of backstory, mythology and worldbuilding to catch up on, casual fans to attract, and hardcore fans to win over. And if creatorsContinue reading “Make it, You Cowards: This Town Ain’t Bug Enough, A Star Wars Story”

Make it, You Cowards: Marvel Edition

Look, it happens to everybody. Expectations are high in any industry, but in entertainment the pressure seems to double almost every year, and nobody wants to be the one to disappoint their rabid fan base. I think that’s exactly what happened when an employee at Disney Plus suddenly blurted out that they would be releasingContinue reading “Make it, You Cowards: Marvel Edition”