Galaxy of Fear Was a Totally Rad, Mostly Forgotten Star Wars Horror Series. And It Was For Kids

By Eldon G I’m sure if you grew up in the 90s you’re well aware of the lush and verdant landscape of youth horror fiction. Every year when the Scholastic book fair rolled up to our tiny school, my brother and I would push past our Catholic school teachers as they weakly pleaded “Look! ThisContinue reading “Galaxy of Fear Was a Totally Rad, Mostly Forgotten Star Wars Horror Series. And It Was For Kids”

Grease is a Musical About The Biblical Apocalypse

By Eldon G. Bear with me on this one.  There are a lot of great, widely proliferated fan theories about Grease, both the musical and the fantastic film adaptation. I’m sure you’ve read the theory about Sandy being dead for the entirety of the film. It’s an entertaining read to be sure, but John Travolta,Continue reading “Grease is a Musical About The Biblical Apocalypse”

Every movie in Sonny Chiba’s The Street Fighter franchise is better than Todd Phillips’ Joker

By: Eldon I can only hope you’re reading this in some far flung and prosperous time when it won’t make a lick of sense why I’ve just watched each and every one of The Street Fighter movies back to back. But if you’re reading this in the unfortunate present, you probably get it. That’s right,Continue reading “Every movie in Sonny Chiba’s The Street Fighter franchise is better than Todd Phillips’ Joker”